
Lets Meet Jersey Post



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Established in 1969, and incorporated from the local government in 2006, Jersey Post now operates a network of 21 post offices across the island. In addition, Jersey Post provides postal delivery services to all Jersey residential households and businesses, five days a week.

Sitting alongside the post office and delivery networks is a range of complementary business services that enable Jersey Post to provide a full suite of postal products and services for businesses of any size and sector. These include bulk mailing and associated support services, as well as digital print and data management.

The Challenge

Prior to using JEM, Jersey Post relied upon a legacy system for pricing post which had been developed internally. However the system was not able to support the planned expansion of the business, including:

  • Unable to combine prices from multiple sources and add a margin
  • Multiple customer rate cards and grouped price bands were not supported
  • Poorly designed for assessing commercial deals with customers and 3rd parties

The Solution

Jersey Post selected JEM based on its flexibility, end-to-end functionality and competitive pricing. JEM’s complete business management platform provides Jersey Post with advanced CPQ (Configure, Price, Quote) functionality, Sales Order Processing, Rating & Billing, along with its unified CRM and Support Ticketing. Jersey Post now has the ability to run multiple price books across its customer base and can easily assess the profitability of forecasted volumes in new commercial proposals.

The Results

Using JEM has enabled Jersey Post to widen its offering of products and services, as any pricing model from a partner & supplier can be easily incorporated into JEM. Rating and billing post is now a straightforward process, meaning time is saved and errors are eliminated. Jersey Post no longer has to maintain its legacy system, which means savings can also be made in hosting, security and software maintenance costs.

In addition to its postal business, Jersey Post has gone on to identify other business units that would benefit from using JEM, allowing them to replace more legacy systems and introduce increased functionality.

Customer Quote

“From our discussions with other companies we knew that JEM was a very capable platform and that the team behind it would listen to our requirements and deliver a comprehensive business solution. JEM is now a key part of our IT infrastructure and is being utilised across an increasing number of business units.” Nigel Arkwright - Jersey Post Chief Information Officer

Key Features

Billing Engine
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The billing engine generates invoices for customers or resellers. JEM’s flexibility allows it to bill any products or services, whatever the …

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A CRM lets you store data concerning your prospective, active and closed customers. A central area which contains key customer details, such as …

Customer Portal
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A self service, branded portal to allow end customers to engage with the products and services you sell them, get back up data around any billing and …

Customer Support
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Customer Queries JEM Customer Support allows you to easily see and deal with customer queries. Customers can raise tickets via email, the Reseller …

Inventory Management
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Stock management through a fast and easy to use interface. Store millions of SKUs and manage the stock lifecycle from a single source Accurate Stock …

Order Processing & Provisioning
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Combine Sales Into One System Orders are created in JEM by converting quotes into orders. This can be done by your sales team, via a call centre, or …

Quote Builder
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You have a lead and want to make a quote fast - it must be accurate and provide the best chance of conversion. JEM is able to create quotes based on …

Rating Engine
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A Rating Engine lets you take rate cards and combine it with usage information to produce an event based cost and sales price for an item. JEM takes …

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