Order Satisfaction
Promise Your Customer And Deliver
Order Satisfaction combines product supply and demand to give you a single view of which orders can be met today, tomorrow, next week and well into the future.
Product Demand
Demand is generated by looking at current orders and a view of future customer demand. Current orders are a combination of orders from all sources and channels. JEM can link via API to e-commerce platforms (e.g. Amazon, ebay and Shopify), ingest data from 3rd parties and process orders internally from Quote Builder.
For large volumes of forecast data JEM can ingest files in a specified format. Alternatively minor adjustments to forecasts can be manually entered into JEM. JEM then combines this forecast data with current orders to produce a single table of demand by day for all products, based on the required delivery date.
Product Supply
Supply is generated by looking at current stock levels and the expected delivery dates on purchase orders that have been raised in the system. JEM then further refines expected delivery dates based on confirmed shipping dates on inbound consignments. This is consolidated into a single table of stock levels and delivery events for all products.
By combining supply and demand JEM uses a RAG system to highlight orders that can’t be met, and orders that can only be met based on forecast stock delivery dates. Based on the priorities of the business, orders can be adjusted to alter the required delivery date, thereby allowing other orders to be satisfied instead.
After each review and re-prioritisation the Order Satisfaction report can be re-run to see the overall impact. JEM stores multiple versions of the Order Satisfaction report so that users can track progress over time.
New Business
When dealing with new business enquiries, JEM’s Quote Builder can use Order Satisfaction to instantly determine whether a specified delivery date can be met. Alternatively it can provide the date when a particular product will next become available.
Summary of Order Satisfaction Features
- Consolidates order entry from multiple sources and channels
- Forecasts future customer orders
- Creates a view of supply based on current stock and future shipments
- Matches supply and demand to highlight orders that can’t be met or are at risk
- Allows businesses to re-prioritise which orders are satisfied
- Instantly allows sales teams to see if new orders can be met
Case Studies