
Lets Meet MDEE


Nottingham, UK

Company Size

100+ Members

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Established in 1997, Mdee is a leading BT and EE airtime distributor to over 300 independent partners. With a turnover approaching £30m, Mdee prides itself on providing first class funding and support to its customers.

The Challenge

  • Need to react faster to supplier lead changes
  • Offer more flexible and innovative solutions
  • Time consuming to record and process orders
  • Unable to reconcile commissions due
  • Lack of reporting visibility
  • Vulnerabilities of legacy in-house system
  • Heavy reliance on spreadsheets

The Solution

Mdee selected JEM based on its wide ranging functionality, competitive pricing and flexibility. JEM’s complete business management platform provides Mdee with Sales Order Processing, Inventory Management, Commissions, Reconcile and Billing along with its unified CRM and Support Ticketing. In more detail the solution delivered the following key modules:

Quote Builder

An advanced quotation tool that allows sales people to build accurate quotes quickly. Quote Builder provides instant gross profit reporting, captures all the data needed in a validated manner, whilst generating necessary sales order processing tasks such as a stock check and e-contracts.

Commission Engine

The commission engine needed to account for complex commission models reflecting the nature of the product and how it is supplied. The models included both upfront and ongoing revenue information. Commission statements can be made at the touch of a button including generation of self-billing invoices and customer accessible reporting.


The reconcile engine automatically spots missing revenue share and data entry mistakes, allowing the business to recover significant amounts from its suppliers.

Inventory Management

The warehouse was updated to use the JEM platform, allowing for tracking of IMEI and SIM Data. The warehouse was split into virtual locations to provide reservation of stock for customer orders, with no interaction from the warehouse required. JEM also integrates with Royal Mail’s ‘click n drop’ portal to generate labels and speed up the dispatch process.

Partner Portal

A fully-featured self-service portal to allow Mdee partners to quote and purchase all services. Reports, invoices and commission statements are available to download and the partner can also use the inbuilt CRM to manage its own data.

The Results

Prior to using JEM a large part of Mdee’s business was focused on manually processing commission claims on behalf of partners. This placed a significant burden on Mdee’s admin team, whilst also creating uncertainty for partners.

JEM has completely changed this so that Mdee and its partners now have confidence in the commission they are paid, with any discrepancies automatically identified so that they can be swiftly dealt with. Mdee can now focus its team on growing its partner base and providing value added solutions.

Customer Quote

“JEM has proved an invaluable tool for our business and our partners. It is a slick and efficient system which has enabled us to optimise cost and re-allocate overheads from admin into business development. Without doubt, JEM has been a key contributing factor for the transformation of our business over the past few years.” Tanny Jeffrey - Mdee Managing Director

Key Features

Billing Engine
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The billing engine generates invoices for customers or resellers. JEM’s flexibility allows it to bill any products or services, whatever the …

Commission Engine
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Getting paid commission correctly and/or paying out commission correctly can be a challenging process. JEM’s foundations are based in both …

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A CRM lets you store data concerning your prospective, active and closed customers. A central area which contains key customer details, such as …

Customer Support
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Customer Queries JEM Customer Support allows you to easily see and deal with customer queries. Customers can raise tickets via email, the Reseller …

Inventory Management
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Stock management through a fast and easy to use interface. Store millions of SKUs and manage the stock lifecycle from a single source Accurate Stock …

Order Processing & Provisioning
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Combine Sales Into One System Orders are created in JEM by converting quotes into orders. This can be done by your sales team, via a call centre, or …

Quote Builder
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You have a lead and want to make a quote fast - it must be accurate and provide the best chance of conversion. JEM is able to create quotes based on …

Rating Engine
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A Rating Engine lets you take rate cards and combine it with usage information to produce an event based cost and sales price for an item. JEM takes …

Reconciliation Engine
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Reconcile Anything JEM’s Reconciliation Engine can be set up to reconcile between any two sets of data. Usually this is between internally generated …

Reseller Portal
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Self Service Distributors can give all their resellers access to the JEM platform, allowing them to self serve in key areas. Resellers can have …

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